
Showing posts from January, 2013

Life is (...............)

They are saying that I am too idealist, dream catcher, and ambitious. Keep calm and stay thinking clearly. Sometimes in our life, many people judge us, only can give the statement without know really and deeply the case. I can only hear it, then smile. In this phase, I believe every people ever feels this condition. Hearing what others is saying is important, but the most important thing, we should really know what we will do, such as risks, effect, and feed back. People's opinion and statement just additional information. Not the main source. Yes life is really hard, really hard... I ever feel that, such as it's hard to get a job after graduate from university, here for all the people in this phase should cut much money to be survive, giving the pressure in every side of the life. Life as student and job seeker really different, too much difference. As a student we life in our comfort zone, everything seems easily, but the contra condition when we are graduate, everythin