
Showing posts from July, 2014

#National Park 5 : The Exotic Valley and Savanna of Merbabu Mount 3.145 above the sea level

Merbabu Mount is one of national park in our country. It is located in Magelang, Central Java. This mountain has the peak in 3.145 meters above the sea level. Across this mountain there is Merapi Mount. Mountaineer always climbs both of this mount in the same time, because of its near location. As we know when one place is given title as national park, it ussually has unique biota or biodiversity. So does Merbabu Mount. This mount have 3 track for mountaineering which are Thekelan, Wekas, and Kopeng Cunthel. Wekas become our choice. The track is full of valley, hill, and savanna. Also green grass. You will be falling in love !!! Let me tell first, how can I meet this team. When I was being an university student and trying to finish my study, I fell in love with mountaineering activity, then i was active in as a member. I was interested in that event, and the name of person who started its topic is Ozynk. I never met him, so spontaneously i just called