#National Park 5 : The Exotic Valley and Savanna of Merbabu Mount 3.145 above the sea level

Merbabu Mount is one of national park in our country. It is located in Magelang, Central Java. This mountain has the peak in 3.145 meters above the sea level. Across this mountain there is Merapi Mount. Mountaineer always climbs both of this mount in the same time, because of its near location. As we know when one place is given title as national park, it ussually has unique biota or biodiversity. So does Merbabu Mount. This mount have 3 track for mountaineering which are Thekelan, Wekas, and Kopeng Cunthel. Wekas become our choice. The track is full of valley, hill, and savanna. Also green grass. You will be falling in love !!!

Let me tell first, how can I meet this team. When I was being an university student and trying to finish my study, I fell in love with mountaineering activity, then i was active in www.backpackerindonesia.com as a member. I was interested in that event, and the name of person who started its topic is Ozynk. I never met him, so spontaneously i just called him to join with his event. I remember, we should buy ticket in early October 2012, because it was hard to get ticket from Jakarta to Central Java or East Java, because the price of ticket is cheap, and it'll be life style going to vacation by backpacker who thirst vacation. I invited my 4 friends, but only 1 person who really followed this mountaineering event, she is Novicha.

November 14th 2012, 9 days after my final exam i went to Jakarta with my backpack and my direction is Senen Station, where my train would be going to Semarang. So arrived there at 6 p.m o'clock then I saw four my friends who exchanged my others friends who wanted to join this event. They were Rhe, Cacink, Deni, and Agus. But as ussually the ticket's name was different with original people. They came to the station just with my friend's identity card. Actually we got problem here, they couldn't enter to the station. So finally they went to Semarang by bus, because their identity card was different.

As Ozynk said, maybe 18 people followed this mountaineering, many of them from Jakarta, one from Surabaya. I saw that most of them is Ozynk's friends and ever climb some mountain togehther. They call their self "BABZ".  BABZ is from BABI (Pig), when they are always racing to arrive to the peak of mountain, with high speed. So different with me very slowly. Our team consist of 6 womans and 12 mans. It was a many person in mountaineering activity.

Our train started in 9.30 p.m o'clock from Senen Station off to Semarang. In November 15th 2012 we arrived in Semarang Poncol Station at 7.00 a.m o'clock, first we took a bath, and have a breakfast while Ozynk found public transportation to pick up our team to Wekas, Magelang. Then he got it, it was like carry car, and we rent it car Rp.150.000 (If I am not wrong). So in 8.30 a.m we went to Magelang, there are many heritage building in Semarang City, and Ungaran Mount while we were driving to Wekas. From hot weather to the cold weather. The sum of our journey along the road maybe 3 hours, sometimes we stoped our car in traditional market to buy and taste its traditional food or drink like Es Cingcau.

Road to Wekas Base Camp

Jungle along to the journey to Wekas Base Camp full of fresh grass

Map of track to Merbabu Mount

Full team

Opening Track

Breakfast time

Beautiful side of Merbabu Mount

Sindoro Sumbing Mount from Merbabu Mount

Team before started the journey after camp

Evil Rise to Syarif Peak

One of the track, full of stone

Feels like in the middle of cloud

We really happy family

One side of view in the middle of the track

Are you ready to climb ?

What can you say about this picture?

Small Footpath to the peak Syarif

It is beautiful savanna, isn't it?

Finally we are in 3.145 above the sea level-Merbabu Mount

story is to be continued....


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