Am I right ? Am I wrong?. For some days that statement always is always running in my mind. I don’t know exactly what I do till now giving positive feed baCk or not. Clearly I just feel under pressure then stress. Long time ago I felt very happy and georgeous. I always afraid of What I will do and say. I am afraid making others
hurt. But sometimes I am hurt because of others. But I can’t say that.
Always I talk to my self.Am I ready to leave all I have done?. Honestly my heart says NO !.I love too much with all of things I am doing. But for staying in this position too hard for me.Unrespected,Unwell,Uncomfortable. I am too tired. When others is talking,you keep full attention. But when you are talking,they don’t keep attention. Can you imagine it? . Feel not honour,in environment around us. And thatis not only one but many times. Feel so hurt…

God why I should be in this position?
Where is my fault?
Where is the wrong side of me?
Am I too ugly ?
Am I toooo bad?

Nothing gonna changing until now. I am too tired,but I am too love to leave all. In social life,maybe sometimes respect is fake things. Maybe I should learn more and more about sincerity. Be patient more and more. 

Trying to be nice sometimes makes us hurt. But I believe God never sleep,then My Lord will be giving reward and punishment for people as what they have done. And I believe,the wrong things will be getting punishment. Just waiting the time.

What I have to do now. Growing up my wings,to prove that I can do better than someone else. Then I am strong enough to continue What I have done. Although many people doesn’t want me there. Though many people gives me many stones. I CAN BE THE BEST AND DO THE BEST !

Bandung January-24-2012


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