Traveling is a way...

Have you ever felt disguise, angry, uncomfortable, and unsafety?. For me to solve that feel just goint to travel, finding new places, learning new things. So do I. In every step I take i learn many things. New experience. Know new people sometimes happy, sometimes not. Sometimes it feels like disaster and nightmare. Different mind, different personality, and different characteristic. Life is about differentiation, is it right?. Sometime we take happiness from our trip, but sometimes we take sadness.

Life is about learning, not all people can undertand who we are. Not everybody is like our attitude and world. So that's life, all about like and dislike. I learn that don't trust too much people who you know in short time, be careful of what you say. What we say, it will shoot us one day if we careless, what we tell can make us hurt so deep. So just enjoy your traveling with new atmosphere, new surrounds, and new people. But still be carefull of everything. Because of regret never makes something back like old days. Learning to have our own principle, learning to be patient, learning to control our emotion. Yes traveling is my everything, everything story that is never ending....

When you feel sad, just go to God, God always hears what you say. God is loyal, and especially God never angry. So please take care of your heart for God, so God will take care for you. In the end....Thanks God for the traveling.....


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