Ranu Kumbolo The Heaven Of The Earth


Step out slowly below the bright of the sun, enjoying the day without signal and busy of black berry messenger, whatsapp, email, or many kinds of business activity for along 3 days, seems like crazy. But I am enjoying it, really enjoy. Little bit crazy about adventourus, capturing landscape photography that will be your day so much fun.

Wake up early in the morning, amazing that you see from the tent is fog above the lake. Not fully awake, trying to give some really cold water into your face. Bbbbrr.. maybe you dont want to take a bath, and shower your body full of water. But just belive me, after that you will feel neat, clean, and the temperature of your body will be balance.

That very nice morning I ever had in my life, seems like a dreaming that I was in Ranu Kumbolo lake, in Semeru Mount. I always heard the beauty story of this lake from my mountaineer mate. Semeru Mount is located in Lumajang city and Probolinggo city in East Java. Not in Malang city, but actually people always call it in Malang, because of its easier transportation to reach it. Semeru Mount only has one track to hike, from Ranu Pani Village.

In that morning, remind about my project of conquere #SevenSummitIndonesia and gift for someone, that quickly I grabbed my camera, and shot some beauty object, while my friends reserved breakfast near the tent. Looking for surrounds Ranu Kumbolo is unity of some valley and one lake, and Ranu Kumbolo is the point of center of this place. The temperature of this place can be until minus 4. So be ready for big sleeping bag and jacket that keep you still hot. The valley in Ranu Kumbolo, is the second beauty of valley I ever saw after in Merbabu mount. Light green and combination of lavender, makes it more beauty. I call it Park of The God.

Exploring it is a must. Don't wate your time only near your tent area, just move just discover something that you never see everyday in your life. Focus on condition and mountain atmosphere. I walked alone to explore this place, like talking into myself. Not far from the lake, you will find valley continuously that cover the savana. Really beautiful with blue sky. I guarantee that you want to sleep here, and just see how the cloud is moving on, while the bird is singing. Perfectly combination of nature song.

I love this place so much, because you like it your own world without nobody disturb. For shooting landscaping of this place, better for hike up to peak of the valley. You will see amazing Ranu Kumbolo is. Close your eyes below the tree, trying to hearing the sounds of wind, abdakadabraa.. you will sleep. AVTECH I heard made a big event for 1800 mountaineers but as we have known that the maximum mountaineers that allow just 500 mountaineers. Many general nature toilet aka “jamban jamaah” above the grass, so step out carefully or your shoes will have a disturb odor.


The end of this way in Savana, straight forward to Ayek-Ayek track, quickly you will reach to Ranu Pani village the starting point place of hike. This track “PORTER” always use it, because can save time up to 2 hour better than hike in legal track. As you know the 'PORTER” brings many kinds of stuff from cooking equipments, until food and drink. People pay them to bring the stuff and sometimes cooking.
Curious to know deeply about this lake, why not trying to move around near the lake with slowly move and shoot and every details of Ranu Kumbolo Lake. Spending 1 hours and half. Sometime you should climb the tree, and follow the way with its high grass. That signed so long time people never across this way. Some point you should open your shoes so then not wet, climb, hike, and use your shoe again.

Cross of Ranu Kumbolo Part near Tanjakan Cinta you will see that Ranu Kumbolo be a village for mountaineers especially if the night comes with lamp, will be making special moment and romantic of night and also the milky way above the sky. When the sky and cloud is clear, sometimes you will see that star falls “bintang jatuh”. Nice moments that you spend your time, your day, and your night here with your special mate. To be honest someday I will go to honyemoon again to this place with my husband.

Step out your walk, don't try to step human's puff a.k.a (kotoran manusia or eek) :D . Because in Ranu Kumbolo near the porter's room, many surprise from human's puff. Aha also like a night market here, not recommend if you want sleep well and calm also peace. Everyone is laughing, and singing so loudly like this place are their home, but we should realize this is public place. For taking water just for cooking and drinking, move far from the land near the lake, but don't forget to open your shoe. So we are keeping the balancing for life of its nature. As we are known that Ranu Kumbolo is the one and only source water for mountaineer to drink . So we have to make sure it cleans and safe to drink.

Here the rules that you don't do in Ranu Kumbolo :
  2. DON'T TAKE A BATH AND CLEAN UP BODY (like using shampoo, tooth paste, scrub,etc)

Stragazing is a best way yo spend your night before sleep. Like talk to God, that was the most precious night for me. Thinking what we life for, what the false from our daily life, and maybe others reflection way. To be honest I want to repeat its night again. Far from diturbance of city's busy, just me and nature. Someday enough just hike and camp here. Peak is not the direction. But Peace is the direction.


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