Epic Vacation in Silver Island

Before entering new work in new office in the middle of May 2013, i had one idea to open trip and going to the beach. So collaborate work with my friends to find some people who want join with our trip event. After posted in some travelling website, so i went vacation with 17 people, and the girl is only me and Begeng's sister,and Miss Shary most of them are man. Ahaa.. then as our planning we would be going camping. So we (me, Budi, Wongso) were preparing all of outdoor gears include camp, gas mate, cook, meals, snack, water, etc.

The day in April 27th 2013, as our commitment we should come at 5.30 a.m in Muara Angke harbour, because the boat would go in 7.00 a.m. Budi, Wongso, and of course me were going from apartment at 4.45 a.m and arrived before 5.30 a.m though there was two travel mate were coming first. Ahey..really sorry to wait. So after all travel mate came, then soon going to boat. Because weekend time, so the condition in harbour really crowded. People urge to enter to the boat soon, unpatient, and the weather was hot. Finally we got place, but in front of the boat. So welcome sun bathing time :D. Just FYI ready antimo drugs before the boat goes sailing, it helps you to go sleep and prevent you from feel nause. More early morning you come, more cozy and comfortable place you get.

The total journey from Muara Angke harbour to Harapan Island is 3 hours. The boat was going very slowly. First we were fine that sitting above the roof of boat, but soon the sun was so hot, so that it was urge us to close our face with jacket, hat, or anything else that makes our face not feel so hot like burned by fire. One by one my travel mate went to sleep, while others still talked each other. The view along the journey full of island background with expensive speed boat but our boat is so traditional, its body is not made by alumunium cover but from wood. We can see private island like Bidadari island, whose has its island by rich people in Jakarta. but no general people can enter this island, because we have to permit from its owner. And also the price of cottage is so expensive, doesn't suitable for backpacker like us.

Finally ata 10.30 a.m we arrived in Harapan Island's harbour, there were many people who has tarvel agent, homestay and etc to come and pick up their guest. My guide was waiting us and then he was guiding us to sit down near the beach to get lunch and preparing fish for barbeque, and checking snorkeling seat. Many guest stayed and sleeping in Harapan Island, but we just laid over then should continue our journey to Silver Island. After finish our lunch and all the bags and gears for camping picked up to the boat, then we started sailing to continue our journey.

Harapan Island
One of Thousand Island spot for diving in 5 meters depth
After 30 minutes sailing, we got our first island for diving and snorkeling, Big Genteng Island and Small Genteng Island. My friends started preparing their snorkeling gears, and trying fin. Then byurrr...entering the waters and feel the sea water was made their skin wet. Also i entered the water, but after 15 minutes dive i thought that the spot for snorkeling was not good, then i asked the shipmaster to go and continuing the next island. Our second island was Macan Gundul Island, i didn't think why this island was given its name. Maybe there is tiger on anything else. I don't understand, according to shipmaster Macan Gundul Island is one of the best spot for snorkeling. Here we just did snorkeling in 30 minutes, beacuse of crowded that many people there, we were hardly to move. So again we sailed to the next journey.

Next island is Dolphin Island, this island has clear water so we can see under water clearly without helping by glass or mask, or anything else.First our plan, that the boat would be lean back, but again and again there were so many people near the beach and crowded, me as TS had to ask the shipmaster to continue our journey to go Silver Island, but Narawangsa had sit down near rim the beach to make a cup of coffee. Ahaa..then he should go up to the boat without coffee. Just little advice be carfeull when you are doing snorkeling, because of without sometimes we don't realize there always boat is sailing and you can hit by the boat.

Dolphin Island
Nemo between the coral
Camping ground near the harbour
This is our home
Beautiful under water the sea
Before arrived in Silver Island, we see Gosong Island. Gosong island is one of kinds island without plant, home, coral, or anything else. It just little land with sand in the middle of the sea. But this place is tourist's favourite place to get nice photos. But we didn't take picture here because too much people queued to take pictures. There was not long holiday, but i thought many people came to Thousand Island to get rest and vacation. Then the boat sailed off to Silver Island. Be careful not to swim hear, beacuse of the flow is so swift.

At 4.00 p.m we arrived, after put down all gears from the boat, then soon we went to camping ground. In this island, there is two  lodge whose has been owned by guard the island. His name is Mr. Minang, before we are going to camp here, we should call him and allow the permit for doing some kinds this activity from him. Beside that before comes to Silver Island, we have to give information when we will come and how many people will come. So that there is no miss communication when the events is begin. FYI we should pay Rp.150.000/night to enter this island. After introduce all of the team and talk a while. Then I went to camping ground to build camp.

There is two beautiful camping ground in Silver Island, one is near the harbour in west island. The location is very strategic, we can doing fishing in the harbour, stragazing, palying cards, and just swimming. And also if we have finished our camping activity, and will be back to the boat the distance is not far from camping groung. Between two trees, there is swing too. We can feel little memories from our childhood too. Beside that, camping ground in west location, in island is the best place for sun set photo shot. Near the camping ground there is brackish water wells.We can use this water to take a bath, or just washing glass, plate, and another dish. But do not expect you can get WC (water closet), this place there is no place to puff. We are back to nature. Near the harbour too, there is 4 hammocks. So you can sleepy under the tree with sounds of the wave and fresh air also.

But if you want to more private, you can build camp in east of island. The condition is more silent, but this place is the best photo shot in sun rise time. The distance to barckish water wells is so far, you should tracking around 15 minutes. Along this island, many ccoconut trees, and the jungle is lowland forest type. Yu can take a deep breath, feel the fresh air, hearing the birds singing, and finding fish between the coral, and etc. Some kinds activities that we can't get everyday in city. Oke, and let me explain other information, there is one lodge, whose his owner is selling fast food too. But i advice you to bring enough food and drink from city, because you will get expensive price when you buy snacks or food here. The price is 100% from its original price.

Sun Set near the harbour
Sun Rise from East Beach in Silver Island
Hello world
Preparing breakfast time
We had choosen camping ground in west location of island, because we can do variety activity here. We bulit three camp, after all camp was built then the next activity was cooking. Our chef was Narawangsa. While some friends helped Wangsa cooking, others just going to explore the island towards to each island to take some pictures, and another was sleeping. After the dinner is ready, we all ate together. Our dinner menu was soup, and noddle. We still did barbeque of fish. One big fish, and 8 small fishes. All of the boys was roast the fish, playing cards, and stargazing. At 10.00 p.m everyone goes to sweet dreams island in tent and me with four friends just slept in harbour after tiredly playing cards. The moon was so bright, and its situation always makes me want to see how amazing that night. 

In midnight rain was falling down, and the wind was so freezy then i moved to tent from harbour. While Wangsa and Budi were busy to clean up the cooking equipments outside the tent from rain, i slept comfortably. Sorry guys..hehehe.. So the morning came, i woke up lately, while some of my friend went to take pictures in east beach, soon i overtook them. That morning the view was so amazing and fabulous. Because the boat would pick up ua at 8.00 a.m so hurry up we went back to camping ground and making breakfast. Our breakfast was noddle again and again, and some cups ofe coffee, tea, and milk.

Finishing packing, we went to boat soon, because we still had three islands to explore andthe distance was so far from Silver Island. Suddenly again the rain was falling down, but in that time we were readily for snorkling, but we had to be patient waiting for raining stop. I forgot to tell, first island we explored Bira Island. This is the best place for snorkeling, many nemo fish, beautiful coral, calm wflow of the sea wave. Because the time was not enogh so we just went to Bulat Island whose has been owned by Soeharto family (Cendana family). We explored the island, taking picture, and waiting the rain stopped. I said that in the second day our vacation rain was falling down always, but it was not decrease our happiness. To enter Bulat Island you just only give between Rp.20.000-Rp.30.000 as clean payment to guard the island. Then we went back to Harapan Island to take a bath, getting lunch and back to Jakarta. You should try this place, because the thousand island has many beautiful island and beaches also near from Jakarta too.

When sun is going up

In front of tag line Silver Island
In the beach
Beach in West Location in Silver Island
Under water view in Bira Island
Family photo in Bulat Island


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