Hobby, Enjoy, and Money will be finding you

I can not get resolution or anything else in this year, that i will make some small business trip organizer in traveling. Far away from that i just wanna going to explore the world and be fun and enjoy every journey. Because of some suddenly accident making trip for some people, honestly i just want to free traveling time for me. Because i know that my hobby is high cost. Between photography, traveling. Some people in my family said that i just waste much of money. But for me traveling is everything. Traveling is my breath like blood for our life.

So when i see that my first trip was successfully, so i followed some short discussion with my friend, i just tried to make trial traveling to the beach in Seribu Island in North Jakarta. But the effect after that is really awesome. So i think to make another trip, just want people realize that Indonesia is very rich country. Don't we talk about Papua or everywhere else. Jakarta has Seribu Islands still beautiful. It consists of many small island and also private island who have by government or actress, etc. 

I believe now that when we have will, God's hand will help us. So now i think to make my business trip being profesional, but also still fun, style, and honour of environment ethical. I don't want to rush only profit. Because for me quality still service number 1. Service is tangiable aset, that competitor can't touch. Service just what we feel, and we desire.

I also sure and can give guarantee that when we enjoy what we are doing, we have capability, money will reach us. Feel like your work is your play game arena. Be enjoy, be fun, and always ready for next adventure. Hobby can become our career and passion. But job sometimes doesn't make our career. Doing what you love, believe the power of process. And let's feel the liberate euphoria without pressure from other people.

We choose want we want to be...
We take what day we want to step...


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