Dare To Date on The Beach !!

Summer oh summer it is about holiday right?. Especially when we talk about beach, there is never ending story. Indonesia has many beautiful islands and its beach. So do I, Love beach so much then along summer time from April-Oktober i always explore some beaches and islands. But how if we go there with our soulmate. I am sure it will be fascinating and outstanding vacation. Sweet and fabulous you want, right?. Oke and how to enjoy your day........


If you are going to the island, and it has many exotic beach. Don't wait just walking around. Get your cameras, and stay looking for every parts of the beach. Holding hands with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Feel the fresh air, the sensation of smoothy sand, and just trying finding unique animal near the beach. Or you can build beautiful castile from sand. Just enjoy your time.

Still have time?. Just get your bicycle then looking around the island. It is the quickest way to see and exploring the island better than walking. Especially when it has big area. You should smart enough to divide your time. Take a rest awhile when you feel tired. Enjoy some coconut tree and feel how peace the sound of wave and enjoy how blue is so amazing. Get little talk with your mate, and express whatyou feel. Pssstttt...beach makes romantic moment believe it or not :D

No beach without swimming and no completely vacation without snorkeling. Snorkeling is doing in the deep no more than 7 meters below the sea level. Under the sea, it contains such lovely coral reefs and beautiful fish. Just follow the fish, and shoot them with your camera, it is soo enjoyable for us. Maybe you can try, see how fish adaptation to their environment. Beside that, try to jump from the top of the boat then just dive. You need your brave to do it !!! *LOL*. When you are in the water just try some freedive techniques to get best under water photo shoot. Or trying to close your eyes, then hearing how calm the water it is. Really really makes peace like doing yoga.

Night, it is time for party beach. Getting your fish then burn it then voilaaa barbeque time. Don't forget to get lampion party too under the bright of moon and stars, with harmony of the beach. Just make little space near the beach and plyaing cards with your friends, or just stargazing. Stargazing is really romantic for me. Because of why? I can talk each other with my BF then knows more. Again maybe you can feel so comfortable place, clearing your mind like yoga. Or if you wanna make some party just playing your music then dancing like salsa :)

Get up early maybe at 4.30 am from your bad. Although you got long night after party, don't miss morning show. For us this is the most epic moment and also the best time for shooting rare moments. Walking to the beach. As ussually in the morning the wave is not too high, tendency to down. So just walking and walking stay away from the beach near to the sea, to shoot. The sun is rising slowly, especially between 5.30-6.30 a.m. Find the best angle to shoot and using one per third (1/3) angle in landscape to shoot that moments. Making some videos and don't forget to cheeeseeee :))

Oke fellas happy holiday and enjoy your beach !!! Psssttt...This is only some advices from me, based on my opinion. Just do it if you agree, whatever your vacation style still enjoy it :)


  1. Warna hurufnya kurang pas dengan latar belakang temanya, mata jadi sakit pas baca.


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