Welcome : Natural Selection and Adaptation

Welcome to the new life, maybe i call this phase new transition in my life. Yes as my dream comes true for moving on to Jakarta from Bandung and getting job there. Maybe it has been 4 days that i am moving on, and starting new life as independent girl again. Ahaaa.. it is sooo long time after i rented room in Bandung, i do everything alone again.

 Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It has many cross culture, that everybody comes here to find a job, and hope for a better life, or just continue their study. Now i think Jakarta more and more crowded. Oke let me share my little story after i move to this city. I rent house near the centre of human activity in Central Jakarta. I love this place because ofits access to busway station, bus station, and train station. But i feel so guilty that last night my friend said that the place where I stay now where the drug supply chain is doing, and crowded place that full of conflict. Yes this place is conflict area I ever read in internet. But so does my place in Bandung too when i was as university student. The condition like that creates uncomfortable, unsafe, and unbelieveable in human heart. Especially in my soul :D

Here i am as human being thinking clearly, and keep calm, then analyzing the situation and condition around us, so do I. Enter every phase in our life is never easy but it does not mean that we can't. After we adaptation for something new and find comfort zone there, we feel safe. More and more interaction makes no distinction, and then we enjoy the situation. But how suddenly we find something distraction "our comfort zone". We have to adaptation again, isn't it?. Here the rules of life is playing on. Darwin called this Natural Selection. 

According me "Natural Selection" is process that we select the most suitable condition and fit for our life, then unfix condition we delete or move. After we find "fit" situation, enjoying thats phase.As i am facing now the different condition in my life. In Bandung i feel so hommy and cozy and until now i am homesick for Bandung. Bandung is the most enjoyable place for me to get everyhting i need from clothes, easily public transportation, and of course the place for doing lazyness along day.Where i can read many books and write many stories only in one day.

Reality says different. Now i have to high concentration in noisy environment, stress of traffic jam, and selfishness of many people. But my job makes me to give full strength and best performance, whatever the situation and condition. Again, again, and again we should adaptation. Not only personal life and daily activity but also social culture I should receive.Have many different friends from different background and different situation, it makes me to behave everything from my life. My attitude, my politeness, my word, and everything i do.

Talking about moving on, natural selection, and adaption is talking about manner, do something kindly for people, always smile and polite for everypeople, then do not reactive. The distraction is shock culture I think. But again and again we have to do easily adaptation. Like our life many people come and go suddenly in our life, but only a few staying, they stay because of the intencity of interaction is sooo high, and feeling enjoyable. So whatever happens in your life do it with smile then just enjoy, but still kind hearted and behave your attitude. Belive the power of If we plant something good, we receive good too :)


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